Monday, March 19, 2012

Flicker of Inspiration Linkup #42: Killer First Line

The car finally came to a stop on its side in a ditch, it's contents piling up against the passenger side doors, it's passenger hanging precariously, held in place by their seat-belts.

"Well...What are we going to do now?" she asked quietly. They were alone, on a deserted back road. So far away from the city that normally the stars would be glowing, but tonight it was threatening rain and the only light was coming from their headlights, cutting through the gathering fog.

"I. Don't. Know." He whispered, catching his breath in between each word.

This post is in response to a prompt at The Lightning and The Lightning Bug- Flicker of Inspiration Linkup #42: Killer First Line



  1. Interesting in that she asked...quietly. I don't think I would have been quite so calm.

    And his answer? Almost a typical man-response. Give. me. some. time. to. figure. it. out.

    Excellent, Amanda!

  2. I think he was driving and that is why it is taking him a while to think. He is getting his story straight on why it isn't his fault!
    Seriously, you have my interest. What were they doing when the crashed? Does she want to be with him? What are they going to do?

    Haven't seen you around here lately. Welcome back!

  3. Very, very intriguing ... love the reference to the stars and rain as well.

    Great post!
